Artigo, Magazine
Since 1962 rubber is the foundation of Artigo business, when Gruppo Pirelli gave birth to the brand. Artigo develops high performance rubber flooring and surfaces, using advance technologies and the fundamentals addition of specific skills and extensive experience. Giving the company a new image, we’ve opted for a restyle which could expressively present Artigo products, projects and the company philosophy with a more experimental approach. Focusing on the clearreading of the product, we’ve highlighted its architectural functionality through a more emotional and captivating point of view, supplementing the trademark communication with a general catalogue, a new institutional website and a magazine reporting the latest insights and dossiers.
Font: Akzidenz-Grotesk, New Fournier
Paper: Igloo offset, soft touch covering
Size: 29,7 × 21 cm
Paper: Igloo offset, soft touch covering
Size: 29,7 × 21 cm